The evaluator, Jim Marty, has no idea who Louis Curtis truly is because that could influence the evaluation.
MORE: Matt Smith discusses Undercover Billionaire Episode 10 and its return to the Discovery Channel Now the biggest obstacle Curtis faces is maintaining his persona until after the evaluator comes to take a look at the startup company. Numbers are what count, so what does that mean for Wake Up Pueblo? Smith and Curtis are successful in signing their fifth client, Cornerstone Roofing, and the building they bought for the Wake Up office space is complete. In a confessional, Curtis says that if that goal is not reached it will not only damage his reputation, but the 10X brand that is associated with the Cardone name. With one day left before the evaluation, Curtis and partner Matt Smith are hoping to sign one more client in hope of achieving a million-dollar evaluation on their business, Wake Up Pueblo. The 90-day challenge of the Discovery Channel reality show Undercover Billionaire was completed in the latest two episodes, and with it a successful evaluation for Louis Curtis, aka Grant Cardone.